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Info needed on Check boxes, images, alignments, etc.. FORM ATTACHED

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111

Greetings expert users:

Attached is a 23 page form I'm creating for my company that's based on a lot of questions regarding a patient's care in a treatment program.

I've managed to complete 11 pages all done in LiveCycle Designer v8.2.

Questions I have are the following:

1) How do I go about inserting page numbers in my form below where I don't have to do them manually with the text box as noted below on each page?

2) Images that I had on page 2 are not embedded into the form. It's looking for the path they're located in. Is it possible to embed these images because a lot of people will be using this form.

3) Yes /No check boxes. Is there anyway to align the box so that's it's even with a text located next to it. It seems the box is higher than the actual text placed to it? No matter if I try Top, Middle, or Bottom it's off. You'll see all my check boxes and how it's off a little.

4) Creating an underline for text to be typed is also off from actual questions. Again is there a way where the line is not located further below a question?

5) There are some questions (especially on bottom of page 8) where I had to create a 2 text box question. I've not placed yet set the limit to visible area but I will. However, is it possible that when they get to the end of the line the cursor can automatically jump to the next line so they could continue typing without having to use the mouse to point to the field?

6) I'm having headaches dealing with check boxes within tables. If you notice on the last page 11. I have a table in place with lot's of Yes /No boxes. The alignments are terrible. No matter what I've tried I can't get them to align properly. What I've had to do is create a Yes / No check box out of the table and group them together and then drage them to the appropriate column/row. If there's an easier way of dealing with multiple check boxes within tables, please let me know.

7) Is it possible to change the grid size for when using Snap to Grid?

Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read my questions because a lot of folks in the medical practice field have forms like this and it makes our lives a lot easier when we can design them efficiently into PDF format.

If there are suggestions or constructive criticisms about my form please feel free to post them. I have a lot of them to do.

Thank you.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Oh my...
That are many questions.

Now a few answers.

1) On the master page gerate a text and fill it with some space. Mark the space with the mousem click right and choose page numbering.

2) For embeding images, select the image an mark the checkbox "embed imagedata" right below the url field in the object tab.

3/6) You can change the alignment in many ways within the paragraph tab. Just select a box and change the settings for alignment in the paragraph tab (Shift+F5).

4) Use separate fields.

5) Maybe with some special JavaScript, but this isn't that easy to handle in every case, so you better use one single line for users input and mark also the checkbox for limiting the lenght to the visible area in the object tab.

7) To change the grid size doubleclick one of the rulers and change the interval to the prefered size.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
Thank you for responding I will go ahead and apply most of what you've said and see how it goes. Sure wish LiveCycle was a bit more friendlier in the design aspect but I'll have to take it for what it can do for now if and when Adobe makes more improvements in the future.
Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 44

I have a solution for you.

For the alignment of the caption to the bottom of the checkbox simply select the checkbox and on the Paragraph paletter use the Line Spacing: = Exactly and the At: = 3.5. This seems to align the bottom of the text with the bottom of the actual checkbox itself.

I used 3.5 for the checkbox Homeless.

Rick Kuhlmann
Tech-Pro, Inc.

Forms Developer/Designer
Tech-Pro, Inc.
Roseville, MN

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
Thank you Formman. This is definitely what I needed to know. Never would I have known you have to play with the Line Spacing and Paragraph Settings to get it just right. Thank you again it's starting to look better.

formman wrote:
Tech264,I have a solution for you.

For the alignment of the caption to the bottom of the checkbox simply select the checkbox and on the Paragraph paletter use the Line Spacing: = Exactly and the At: = 3.5. This seems to align the bottom of the text with the bottom of the actual checkbox itself.

I used 3.5 for the checkbox Homeless.

Rick Kuhlmann
Tech-Pro, Inc.
Registered: Apr 2 2008
Posts: 17
I looked at the form and it appears that the Client Name and Case # which I assume is part of the Master Page does not fill in to all subsequent pages. Is there a way to do that so you do not have to type it at the top of every page.
Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
Well I'm not done with the form yet. I just did the layout aspect of it and then I'll go back and do all the tweaking. However, where I have to enter the client's name and ID# on each page I just setup the first page fields as global. Once they type it will transfer the data to each additional page. You just have to make sure that the field names are the same. IE. PatientName and ClientID

mjbl wrote:
I looked at the form and it appears that the Client Name and Case # which I assume is part of the Master Page does not fill in to all subsequent pages. Is there a way to do that so you do not have to type it at the top of every page.
Registered: Apr 2 2008
Posts: 17
Do you have two master page headings or how is this done?