I'm a very new Acrobat user so this might be basic, sorry. I'd like to create an interactive form (on a website or inside an ebook platform that allows this) that steps parents through the process of creating a Letter of Intent (or Statement of Wishes) for their Special Needs children.
My intention is that this will provide helpful guidance as what the questions mean with examples, as well as a series of form boxes for reader input. Readers can then answer the questions throughout the process (a few dozen questions in total) and instantly receive a final document, pulled together by the software.
This last part is critical, as I don't want the manual load or delay of massaging the data but I also want to offer privacy so that they complete the form and get the formatted output - immediately and automatically.
I really need to know if this sounds even possible using Acrobat 8 Pro or LiveCycle?
I'd ideally like to automate this entirely so people could go online say and work through a website then receive the formatted output via download or email.
Any thoughts, please? Am I biting off too much for a newbie? I have reasonable skills, just not with Acrobat. However, if this is possible, I'll do the homework needed.
Because the form will be very dynamic and may need reformatting of the final product, you probably should use LiveCycle Designer to create a Dynamic form.
There are a number of eSeminars on demand and tutorial articles posted here that should be able to get you started.
George Kaiser