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Interactive PDF form in LiveCycle Designer

Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 7

I have created a form and I want to have it saved to be able to be filled in and then emailed back (the entire PDF, not just the data)...but not to the same person every time. How do I get the "submit form" button in the purple box next to the "highlight existing fields" button to go away? I am NOT a be kind and walk me through like you were explaining the process to a 5 year old.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
Accepted Answer
I'm not sure you can get that button to go away if you're using the "Distribute Form" feature.

If you want to manually distribute the form with its own email-submission button, and you need to change the target email address each time:

Create a text field called "Email_Address".
Create a button, keep the Control Type as "Regular", and add this JavaScript (not FormCalc) code in the Click event:

var mailSubject = "Your Desired Subject Line";var mailAddress = Email_Address.rawValue;var mailContent = "Your desired message content.";{cURL:"mailto:"+mailAddress+"?subject="+mailSubject+" &body="+mailContent,cSubmitAs:"PDF",cCharset:"utf-8"});
You could also create text fields where the user can enter their desired subject line and content for the message itself, and then just use their rawValue instead of pre-entering subject and content.

If you have a predetermined list of available email addresses, make a drop-down box with those addresses as the values, instead of a text field for the user to enter the address.

Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 7
I created a pulldown in the upper right with the 4 email addresses. I save and distribute. When the file is reopened, the pull down is there with all the addresses. There's also the "submit form" button that appears in the purple bar area next to "highlight fields". When you hit the "submit form" button, it goes to my email...but I'm not one of the 4 listed in the pull down. How do I get my name out and the 4 selections in?
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
If you use Acrobat's built-in Distribute feature, I believe you're stuck with the Submit Form button in the purple area, which will only send to the email address you enter during the Distribute setup. It isn't affected by any of the code in the form, as far as I can tell.

In order to avoid that, you need to manually distribute the form - save it, and post it somewhere or mail it to people - and you won't get the benefits of Acrobat's Distribute feature (tracking, etc.)
Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 7
I don't care about the tracking and such. Just need to be able to have different customers be able to fill in the PDF; have the PDF sent back (not just the data contained) and be able to have the customer be able to select which of the AEs should get their order. So do I need to recreate the file and then when I distribute select "manually"?
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
You don't need to recreate the file. Just don't use the Distribute feature at all.

When you've got the form ready (including the appropriate code in the submission button you've manually created), save it, and then mail it to the customers as needed.

Naturally, test it first to make sure that the submission button works.
Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 7
I can't get the pull-down to load to send to the individual recipient. So I guess I'm doing something wrong still. Arrrggggghhhh!

I did get to save and distribute with one individual person's email. It fills in and resends the entire PDF....or so you think. Outlook says it sends to the recipient. Nothing ever shows up in their email. Nothing shows up in the senders "sent" folder. What am I doing incorrectly?
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
Can you upload the form somewhere, or post a message with the code in the submit button you created?
Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 7
How about I send it to you via ""? Just need an email.
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
You can use regular email, if you like. I'm at SLDC.Acrobat; it's a Gmail account.
I may not be able to look at the form today, however.
Registered: Apr 14 2011
Posts: 7
I sent 2 over. 1 with the names in drop box. The other distributed. Gave you a heads up on what's what with both. THANKS SO MUCH!