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Is it possible to repeat a whole page using subform? [Form Attached]

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111

On page 2 of the form I attached is a section I would like to give employees the option to repeat it up to 8 times maybe less depending on the number of issues our patients have. I've read up on subforms but most of the info I've read looks like you can repeat rows in tables. I would like to repeat the whole page. If possible, it could repeat right after page 2. I don't know if I need to create a add button on page 2 for all the pages depending on the issues or add a button on the repeating page to add another duplicate.

I hope I made sense. I'm not sure about how to go about doing this so any help is appreciated.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
The trick is to put all the subforms that you want to have repeated into one Main subform. Then you repeat that Main subform. You will need to follow all the steps to make your form dynamic and flowing. Here is my check list that I use for myself:
1. Make the first (main) subform (re-named to P1) Flowed
 Go to Subform > Content > set to Flowed.
 Set to Flow Direction: Top to Bottom
 The other settings can stay in the default settings.

2. Save the form as “Adobe Dynamic XML Form(*.pdf)

3. All subforms can be Positioned, EXCEPT the one(s) you are making Dynamic.

4. The dynamic subform(s) should be set as Flowed, with Western Text to make the fields go across the page, or Top to Bottom to line up the fields vertically.

5. Turn on Repeat Subform on Binding tab.
 Put a check in the box by Repeat Subform for Each Data Item and set a minimum count based on how many fields you want to always show on the form and at opening of the form.

6. To make the scripting path easier, you can put all the subforms directly under P1.
 To make a subform, rt-click P1 on the Hierarchy view and go to Insert Subform. It will be placed as the bottom subform directly under P1.
 To move a subform to be directly under P1 in the Hierarchy view, drag the subform to P1 and drop it when P1 is highlighted. It will be placed as the bottom subform under P1.
 To reorder the subforms under P1 in the Hierarchy view, drag and drop until they are in the order you want.
To put current subforms into an encompassing subform, select the subforms you want to use in the Hierarchy pane, right-click and go to WRAP IN SUBFORM. Name your new subform.

To make your new subform start on the page after page 2, you will use the settings on the Pagination tab of the Main subform.
Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
I tried following the directions and I think I messed up my forms layout. Would it be possible you could add it to the form I attached and I could follow it better according to your instructions and email it back to me or attach to the forum. Good thing I made several backups of my original because one of my pages turned up on top of another page.

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
I forgot to mention. Wouldn't I have to create a javascript button on my form so that if a patient has 3 problems I can click a Plus (+) button 3 times to add 3 additional pages to type their treatment?
Registered: Jun 3 2008
Posts: 232
Yes you would need to add a button that adds a new subform. You would also want to add a button that removes a subform. There is a good video that Thom Parker made that will show you how to make one of these types of forms. Here is a link: