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Keeping a password hidden in code

Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70

I've got a dynamic form on which entering the correct password in a password field shows a previously-hidden second page. My code simply checks this.rawValue on the password field and compares it to the correct password.
Is there something I can do to the form, either in LiveCycle Designer or in Acrobat, to obscure some or all of the code? I don't want other users of LiveCycle Designer to be able to see it. I realize this is a pretty far-out request, but if someone knows a way, I'd like to hear it.
Alternatively, is there some other way to use a password field, or a button, etc., that relies on authorized users knowing a password but doesn't show it in the JavaScript?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 9
All you have to do is set a standard password in Acrobat (or LiveCycle) that protects your design. No one will be able to look at your code in LiveCycle unless they have the password. Users will complete the form using Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

In Acrobat or LiveCycle – go to File/Properties/Security/Security Method – select the settings you want to control and input your password.

When the form opens in LiveCycle, a password box will appear. If you do not know the password, the document will not open.

I think this is what you are looking for. Let me know - J
Registered: Oct 25 2010
Posts: 70
Thanks, Jenn. I wasn't aware that the standard Acrobat security required Designer users to know the password as well. Worked perfectly. I appreciate the help.