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Keyword metadata missing in LC Designer pdf

Registered: Jun 16 2009
Posts: 2

I created a 2007 MS word docx and used it as a template for form creation in LC D ES via Acrobat 9 Pro, version 9.2. I used the import word document option from create form from template option.
(The 9.2 Acrobat Pro version was released on 10/13/09 and is not yet selectable here). This is not the issue, though, as this problem existed long before I installed the updates today.

I ensured all metadata was present in the docx. All metadata appears in the Form Properties screen within LC, although there is no field for "keywords". I checked the script, and the keywords line is indeed there, so I am assuming that LC simply chose not to display the keyword metadata on their Form Properties page - no biggy.

However, when I save the pdf, regardless of static or dynamic, the keyword metadata is missing from the pdf properties page. All else is present, but the keyword metadata is not. It is blank. I KNOW it exists in the LC script. The scripting is exactly the same for this line as it is for the other lines. What is the problem? Since I can't add/change the pdf metadata manually (by design) what can I do? I must include keywords for every pdf generated. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.3, Windows
Registered: Jul 8 2008
Posts: 17
At the bottom of the XML Source are a few tags like this:

I just put a Keywords, More Keywords in the one that included the Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2 info.Should look like this:

Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2
Place keywords here