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LC 101 basic question

Registered: Jul 27 2008
Posts: 5

I have been developing forms in Acrobat X. My application is evaluation forms for professional continuing education. My client wants to put the evaluation online with the answers dumped into a database -- an Excel spreadsheet would be fine. Adobe support sent me to LiveCycle. The client Web site is developed with Visual Studio 2008.
I have not gotten into playing with LiveCycle yet, and have a very basic question. Do I need to do something special to make a form created in LiveCycle compatible with the client's set up I described, or will the output already be in a compatible format?
My goal is for the client programmer to have to do as little as possible. Ideally, if I can just send a form in a format that can be just dropped in, that would be the best.
Sorry for such an elementary question, but I need to start somewhere. Thanks!

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Ideally you want the PDF to submit data to the server script in exactly the same way as a webform. Fortunately a LiveCycle PDF is supposed to be able to do this.

1. Place a regular form button on the form.
2. On the "Object > Field" tab set the control type to "Submit"
This will cause a "Submit" tab to be displayed.
3. On the Submit Tab set the "Submit Format" to "URL Encoded Data (HTTP Post)"

I have not worked enough with this feature to know the ins and outs. I usually submit data in one of the other formats, such as XML. XML is pretty easy to parse in .NET/php/etc. My experiments with HTML post have not worked out very well.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script