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leading zero problem

Registered: Dec 2 2008
Posts: 4


i am using the LiveCycle Designer to create form but one of the field will using leading zero

the problem is

when the user input 2 -> the field should be display 200

when the user input 45 -> the field should be display 450

how to do the follow thing


Registered: Jan 8 2009
Posts: 18
This is in LiveCycle Designer 8.2

What you are asking for are trailing zeros... Leading zeros would display a "2" as 002. I know how to get a field to display leading zeros but not trailing zeros. I will give the steps for leading zeros and maybe it will spark an idea.

Click on the field that will be using the leading zeros.
Make sure this field is set to Numeric Field (Object Palette - Field tab - Type:)
On the same Field tab is a button that reads "Patterns..." click on the arrow
Click "Display" and in the "Pattern:" field type "num{99999}" (this will give you a five digit input (45=00045) adjust the number of 9's according to your need.

In the mean time, I will see if I can get trailing zeros.

*Edit - I didn't find a way to get trailing zeros except after a decimal point (input 12.3 will display 12.30) I hope you are able to get a resolution to your question. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Jenn D.