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Lines in Text Fields

Registered: Oct 1 2008
Posts: 2


I need to be able to print writing lines in a PDF form. Is that possible (I've tried the pattern background, but the lines are too close to be usable)? If its possible can they only appear when the form is printed and not when it is filled electronically.

The problem I have is that on client wants to be able to fill the form both electronically and by hand. In the printed version he absolutely wants to have "writing lines" to guide the person who is filling the form.

Can someone help me please?

Rui Duarte Silva

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 17 2008
Posts: 44
Mr. Silva,

I would place actual lines inside the text field. It would probably be a good idea to use a grid so that you can snap the lines on the grid and they will stay in place.

I would then wrap the lines in a subform that is set to Positioned and Hidden.

Put the following JavaScript in the pre-print event of the subform:

this.presence = "visible";

Put the following JavaScript in the post=print event of the subform.

this.presence = "hidden";

This will turn on the subform before you print and display the lines when it is printed. The subform will go back to being hidden after the print function is complete allowing for online filling.

The only problem you will encounter is if the client wants to be able to fill the form electronically but then print it out. If that happens then your lines and text will not line up, most likely.

Rick Kuhlmann

Forms Developer/Designer
Tech-Pro, Inc.
Roseville, MN