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Link buttons not working....

Registered: Jul 9 2008
Posts: 8

I've created a brochure form that has a number of links to various websites
(HTTP submit buttons). When I preview them in Live Cylce (PDF preview)
they all work perfectly. When I (or others) open it in Acrobat, none of the links
work properly. What am I doing wrong (pretty new at this)?

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi logoz,

Can you post a link to the form here so we can look at it?

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jul 9 2008
Posts: 8
I don't have it posted anywhere that I could link it. I can't do it anyway
because the brochure contains personal info that I wouldn't want
displayed. Here's what I'm attempting to do though:

I have a brochure for a personal rental property (sending only to pre-screened
customers). I want (attempted to do) links (buttons) that the recipient can
click on that would send them to various web sites that had more info about
the town, etc. -- also a slide show of the property that's on

These all preview/work perfectly in the "Preview PDF" tab in Designer.

When any of the buttons are clicked in Acrobat, they don't connect properly.
What basic settings should I be using to provide a simple link button
like this?

Thank you for your response and help!
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi logoz,

Don't use a HTTP Submit button ( I missed that in your first post).. Try this-

Create a regular button on your form in LCD.
Open the Script Editor ( under the Window Menu).
Select the button and type this line into the editor window-
app.launchURL("", true);
changing the "yoursite" to the web site of your choice)
MAKE SURE to change the Language option on the top right of the editor to "JavaScript," not FormCalc.

Hope this helps,

Registered: Jul 9 2008
Posts: 8
I appreciate your help (&patience). I'm still not getting it right.
When I enter the information that you suggested and go to
preview mode, all of the web links open at once (no button clicking


I got it. Needed select "click" as the option when entering the formula.

Thank you again for your help and leading me in the right direction!
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi logoz,

Sorry about that- I omitted the click event setting in the steps- darn! Glad you figured it out and it is working for you now.
