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Litigation Pleadings and Discovery Forms

Registered: Mar 8 2009
Posts: 2

I am looking for ideas as to the ways I can create automated forms for litigation pleadings, discovery documents and the like. This requires line numbering to the left, along with law firm info on the top etc etc. I'm sure most of you have seen a legal complaint and other legal documents on pleading paper.

My question is how to go about creating these forms. Is there a way I can scipt in (or however best to do it) different options (like a drop down box with different verbage etc). Right now we have some Wordperfect based macros that allow us to alter the basic structures of a Wordperfect form.

But, I just know there must be a simple way for even a novice like me to create these forms. I am running Adobe Acrobat 9 pro on a Windows XP machine.

Any ideas would be appreciated. - Brian

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 13 2009
Posts: 4
Hi Brian,

I work for the Federal Courts. Boy, have I seen pleading paper!

I am using Designer 8.0. What I have done is typed out the numbers in a column on a Master Page. (The Master Pages work like a "watermark" in WordPerfect.) Getting the fields to line up with the pleading was a little tricky... I tweaked the top and bottom margins of the textfields until everything looked okay.

I hope this helps!!