I have been searching/googling and read various scripting
tutorials on Adobe.com but haven't located a solution for my
problem (both Java and FormCalc). I have created a table that has 9 columns (date, application number (autonumbered), household size(drop
down), vendor (drop down), pending, approved, received (all
check boxes), approved amt (calculated), payment amt
(calculated), adjusted amt (calculated), tentative balance
(calculated), actual balance (calculated) and additional
funds (calculated).
The tentative balance is calculated by (Additional funds -
approved amount + adjusted amt). The actual balance is
calculated by (Additional funds - Payment amt). Additional
funds are not entered on each entry - only when the state
provides new funding must is needed for the worker to be
able to add in the funds when allocated.
There are add and remove buttons so the form can expand as
an application is taken.
My problem - I need to have the tentative and actual
balances have actual running balances based on the results
after the calculations are completed for the previous row
and use these calculations at the beginning of the
calculations for the next row. As an example: If my
addtional funds entered is $5000.00 and I end up with a
tentative balance of $4,800 and and actual balance of
$5000.00 (as final payment has not been made), when the user
begins to enter a new application, I need the balances to
come forward.
All the calculations/scripts in the form work fine. I just
need to know how to have the expanding rows include the
tentative, actual and additional funding (even if null)
forwarded to the added/del rows while calculating accordingly. Essentially, I want to create a running ledger that allows a running tentative and actual balance along with calculating in any additional funds that may be entered.
Currently, the additional funds field is defaulted to zero but user can update.
Would you have any suggestions to assist me with this?
Thank you.
For example, this code is for a calculation on a field in table row.
Where "MajorSubForm" is the subform that holds the row subforms, "RowSubForm", and "balance" is a field in the row.
Also take a look at this video:
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script