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Livecycle form auto scroll?

Registered: May 2 2007
Posts: 4

Livecycle 8 forms. When filling in the form in a drop-down list, I'd like the first letter entered by the user to auto scroll to the first possible selection. The only thing I can get to work is the arrow.
Example, if the choices are: Yes, No, Maybe -- I'd like a 'y' to automatically call up the 'yes' choice.
Am I using the wrong type of field or preferences?
Thanks for any help!

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Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Unfortunately this is not a built in feature of the dropdown list. It would be a very nice one to have.

You aught to be able to do this with a "Change" script. Get the full text of what the user has entered, search the entries, and then set the text in the box. However, I'm not sure that LiveCycle JavaScript provides enough values, control, or events to do a good implementation. It's worth a try though.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: May 2 2007
Posts: 4
Thank you for your answer this morning! I'm not sure what "change" script means & wonder if I asked the right question - You can probably tell I'm new to LiveCycle. I should have used the words "auto-select" or "auto-fill" instead of "auto scroll" .. The part I'd like to automate is for when the user is filling out the form. If my drop-down list contains 'yes' 'no' ' maybe' as choices, I'd like the user to be able to type in a 'y' (or type in any letter) and have the form automatically display or fill in 'yes' -- or scroll down to the other choices (without requiring the user to click on the dropdown list arrow or keyboard arrow).The form I created has choices in the drop-down list, but one doesn't know they exist unless they click the arrow or arrow down.

When I fill in forms online or other professionally made forms, I notice that typing the first letter usually selects or pops up choices. Am I perhaps using the wrong preferences or selecting incorrect fields?