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looking for a LifeCycle Designer-designer

Registered: Apr 24 2007
Posts: 4

I need someone to create an interactive PDF form (for example with Adobe Life Cycle Designer) that comprises 74 questions with a simple A or B answer.

The form needs to be emailed to the person who fills it in on screen and clicks a button that emails it back to the original person.

I would like it to merge all the collected data and compile it to excel or access into a readable compilation.

I can do the graphic design, I just need a PDF programmer type.

I live in East London.


mail_richard [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk

Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
I may be interested in this work, if it could work out with the distance. I an located in the US.
Registered: Apr 24 2007
Posts: 4
It may be possible.
Drop me a line at mail_richard [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] ukIt is a very simple form which I can email you with more details


Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138
Not sure if you received my email yet, just checking.
Registered: Apr 24 2007
Posts: 4

I posted a request for a PDF programmer in April 2007.
Scott got in touch and after produced an incredible PDF for use
in my practice as a hypnotherapist (and to sell to other hypnotherapists).

The PDF does it's own jiggery-pokery and marks it's own questionnaire.
It has two password protected pages and I can edit it via one so that
I can produce customised PDF's to sell to other hypnos.

I have demoed it widely and it always knocks people’s socks off.

I wish to congratulate and thank Scott on this forum of his peers.
He was the only person I was able to find in the English speaking world who could do this and I can not praise his professional ability nor his general
attitude highly enough.

Thanks again.

Richard Peacock,
MA, MNCH (Lic), NLP prac