I would like to make bold a calculated decimal field when it reaches 100 for instance.I used this script in my IF statement this.caption.font.weight = "bold" but no success.Any idea?
I would like to make bold a calculated decimal field when it reaches 100 for instance.I used this script in my IF statement this.caption.font.weight = "bold" but no success.Any idea?
var nValue = Sum(NumField1,NumField2,NumField2) if(nValue >= 100) then this.caption.font.weight = "bold" else this.caption.font.weight = "normal" endif $ = nValue
if (this.rawValue >= 100){this.caption.font.weight = "bold";this.font.weight = "bold";}else{this.caption.font.weight = "normal";this.font.weight = "normal";}
As far as I know, to make effect of the changes to a visual in realtime, you'll need to save the file as "Dynamic XML Form".