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Master page is showing a blank first page

Registered: Apr 11 2008
Posts: 4

I have a two page form. I moved page 2 to above page 1. Once I did this the master page decided to show as a blank page as my first page, so now i have in this order a three page form,

master page(blank) which was blank in the first place, just not visible.
Page 2
Page 1

I know I can not delete the master page since it is the only one. But is there a way to hide it so all I have is my two page form again? I have tried restrict page occurrence to 0 but that does not seem to work.

I have a masterpiece of a form, well atleast in my eyes for the amount of information crammed on to it yet very comfortable to read and fill in. I am hoping that I will not need to recreate just because I need page 1 and page 2 swapped in order.

edit: forgot to add, using livecycle 8.05.2073.1.374024

Registered: Jun 4 2007
Posts: 27
Kyle, a lot of times when a blank first page appears, it means you have an object(s) outside of the Content Area. If you do, move it back in, and then you may have to re-size any subforms to ensure everything is in that area. Check the Layout width/height to see if it is greater than your page.