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Migrate Livecycle form to Acrobat

Registered: Jun 30 2009
Posts: 20

I got my form about 75% complete when i realized I was a little late in researching the restrictions that Livecycle forms have on them. Now, because i cannot get the Livecycle Reader Extensions addon, i find i need to create the form in Acrobat Pro instead.

So my question is how does one migrate a form made in Livecycle to Acrobat? The only scripting i have in it at the moment are page buttons, which i can easily re-do in acrobat. I have searched the forums here and Googled it and all i can find is for going [b]to[/b] Livecycle, not [b]from[/b] it.

All i can think of is printing it as a PDF and re-making the fields, but I would love to not have to re-create all my work thus far.

Any ideas?

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
What restictions do you mean? You can enable some Reader Extentions (Usage Rights) for LiveCycle forms with Acrobat Pro such as save rights.

There is no way to migrate a XML-form (LiveCycle) to an Acro-form (Acrobat), you will completely rebuild the form in Acrobat if neccessary.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jun 30 2009
Posts: 20
From what i have read, other users cannot use a Livecycle made form and save the form locally on their system without getting the Reader Extensions software.
My form is to be used for coordination so it will be opened, edited, and saved repeatedly, So i need a form that will allow such.
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Well, that can be done with a XML-form.
You only have to open the form once with Acrobat and enable the usage rights (look under the advanced menu).
The saved copy then can easily be viewed, edited and saved with Adobe Reader, too.
The users will need a least Reader 6, better is 8 or 9 of course, because of more supported features in XML-forms.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Jun 30 2009
Posts: 20
I actually tried that first, and the form can be opened and edited once, but then the rights become invalid or something. the Reader version was 7.0 so i know usage rights normally work but each time i tried it said the version might cause problems then invalidated the usage rights after the first time opening the file.

i figured it might be because i was using Acrobat Pro 9 instead of an earlier version, so i made a quick normal form in Acrobat 9, enabled the rights and tried it again on the computer with Reader v7 and the form worked and saved fine after multiple openings. It is only the one made with Livecycle that has problems.