I have created a Mileage form. I created an XML file with all the appropriate destinations and miles and imported that into Designer. I have a drop down box that allows the user to choose the destination and the appropriate mileage populates the adjacent box. I need to have a round trip check box next to that field so that when checked the mileage doubles and is placed in the total miles field next to that. (or isn't doubled if not checked and the regular mileage is placed in the total miles column.)
Date - Destination - Mileage - Round Trip - Total Miles
*My script for the check box that doubles mileage*
if (this.rawValue == "1") then
NumericField3.rawValue == Mileage.rawValue *= 2
NumericField3.rawValue == Mileage.rawValue
RoundTrip is a checkbox.
This is what I have:
if RoundTrip = "1"
NumericField3 = Mileage * 2
NumericField3 = Mileage