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Multiline Tool Tips

Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 16

The tool tip capability in Acrobat seems to be limited in that if I put in a tool tip that is long, it doesn't multiline the tip. The tool tip line is allowed to just continue on off screen. I've tried escaping the string with \n \r\n etc... but it just displays the escape characters.

Is there a way to get it to multiline tool tips?

I'm using LiveCycle Designer 7 and generating XDP forms, so I don't believe I have the option of using comments.

Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 16
Nevermind. I figured it out that you can set it programatically.

TextField1.assist.toolTip.value = 'This is my \ntooltip';
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi vozeldr,

It also appears to work if in the tooltip box you hit Ctrl+Enter to get a new line.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 16
Thanks. That works too. I tried alt+enter since that's typically what works in other applications.
Registered: Feb 7 2007
Posts: 90
I cannot get the script to work for me. I've tried all events, ensured my fields are properly named. What am I missing?
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 16
I put it in the forms initialize event.
Registered: Feb 7 2007
Posts: 90
vozeldr wrote:
I put it in the forms initialize event.
I tried that as well (and tried all events, in fact). Here's my script:

Subform2.Comment1.assist.toolTip.value = "Release work to haul containers, document. Follow all procedures.";

Do I have it wrong? Nothing displays...
Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 16
I am using JavaScript as the client script language for the event.

The tool tip comes up when the user mouses over the field.