Hi, I was hoping someone here might be able to help me out with FormCalc.
Here is the code I'm using
if ( SquareFootage <= .43 ) then
Price == 15
elseif ( .43 < SquareFootage <= 1 ) then
35 * SquareFootage
elseif ( 1 < SquareFootage <= 4 ) then
31 * SquareFootage
elseif ( 4 < SquareFootage <= 9 ) then
29 * SquareFootage
elseif ( 9 < SquareFootage <= 16 ) then
27 * SquareFootage
elseif ( SquareFootage > 16 ) then
25 * SquareFootage
The Price box this is in always calculates using 35 though. I can't get it to use the other options.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
For multiple comparisons, you souls should use one of the connective operators, 'or' 'and', and simple comparative statements. Or if you carefully work through the statements, you can use just a simple comparison.
Some of this is covered in the Learning Center in the Tutorials or eSeminars on demand.
George Kaiser