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Need to hide a row based on a combination of choices from several drop-down lists

Registered: Nov 26 2010
Posts: 4

I have 6 drop-down lists on a table row, each drop-down list have several choises, and the last choice is "Other (specify)", which makes visible a text field on second row, which default is hidden. I managed to make the second row fields to be made invisible if any other choice is made but "Other (specify)", but I cannot manage to figure out how to put a condition to make Row2 be hidden when all 6 drop-down lists have other choices.
Please help me.
I can provide the PDF with the discused table, if you can tell me where to upload it.
Thank you.

Registered: Nov 26 2010
Posts: 4
This is the code I already have for each of the 6 drop-down lists. I need one more condition, somewhere, that checks that all values are different then "Other (specify)", and only then Row2 should be made hidden.

form1.#subform[0].Table14_LangSkills.LangSkills_Row1.LangSkills_DropBox1::change - (JavaScript, client)

if ($.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Other (specify)")
this.resolveNode("LangSkills_Row2").presence = "visible";
this.resolveNode("LangSkills_Row2.LangSkills_DropBox1_Other").presence = "visible";

if (
($.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Bulgarian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Chinese" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Croatian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Czech" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Danish" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Dutch" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "English" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Estonian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Finnish" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "French" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "German" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Greek" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Hungarian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Italian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Latvian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Lithuanian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Polish" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Portuguese" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Romanian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Russian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Slovak" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Slovenian" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Spanish" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Swedish" || $.boundItem(xfa.event.newText) == "Turkish" )
this.resolveNode("LangSkills_Row2.LangSkills_DropBox1_Other").presence = "invisible";
this.resolveNode("LangSkills_Row2.LangSkills_DropBox1_Other").rawValue = null;