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Need Info Re: Radio Buttons and Multiple Subforms (Form Attached)

Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111

Attached is a form I'm working on for my company. If you look at the form on Page 1 in the section called Diagnosis. Underneath the Diagnosis are groups of checkboxes titled "Addressed" "N/A" and "Deferred". What I'm trying to accomplish is that when the employee checks off any of boxes under the category "Addressed" it will automaitcally create Page 2 of my form.

I've already created a subform of Page 2 with a min of 1 and a max of 13 showing an initial count of 13. I don't know whether I did that correctly or not.

So basically if an employee clicks the "Addressed" box of let's say 2, 6, 8, and 11 I would like 4 instances of page 2 to appear since the patient basically has 4 problems that need to be addressed to while they're in treatment.

I don't know if I should add buttons to do that but I thought it would be easier for an employee that soon as they check off an addressed box under the 13 categories it will reproduce page 2 of the form so they could type and continue to page 3 and 4.

Thank you all so much for taking a look.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 4 2008
Posts: 111
I've figured it out.... Thanks to the PDF/Livecycle Bible
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Thanks for sharing.

George Kaiser