I found a thread discussing this subject at http://www.acrobatusers.com/forums/aucbb/viewtopic.php?id=17144
... but that thread focused on writing the script in FormCalc. Using LiveCyle for Acrobat 8, I need to be able to insert JavaScript to accomplish this same goal:
1. first user opens the form and fiils out their area, and ther needs to be an auto-fill date field marking the date that the form was originally filled out.
2. the user then submits the form to a supervisor by email, and quite likely it is a later date when the supervisor opens up the form to insert their comments.
3. What we want is an auto-fill date field that fills in the date when the supervisor opens the form to add comments, AND we want the first date field to remain frozen with the date that the form was opened by the first user, instead of auto-updating to the date that the supervisor added their comments.
... and of course we want to accomplish that in JavaScript, because all the other scripts in the form are functioning just fine and dandy in JavaScript.
Any help for a very much beginning JavaScripter?