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New User Queries

Registered: Nov 17 2007
Posts: 7

I have designed a form in LiveCycle Designer 8 which basically has 3 parts to it. Only Part 1 will accept data. Parts 2 and 3 are populated from the information entered in Part 1.
I have added 3 buttons to print Parts 1,2 and 3.

1) If I open the pdf in Acrobat Professional is says (SECURED). The main reason I don't want it secured is to be able to use the Document > Extract Pages functionality. How do I get rid of (SECURED) and is it set in LiveCycle or Professional. I have accessed Security in both but have not solved my problem.

2) I then go to Advanced > Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader and save my pdf with a new name. If I open the new pdf in Reader, then I can fill in the form and save the filled in form with a new name. Also, I can print Parts 1,2 or 3. This is what the users will do.

However, I want the users to be able to extract Part 2 and save it and/or extract Part 3 and save it. Am I correct in thinking that I need another piece of software from another company eg ?

It may sound a silly question but if I can add a button to Print a range of pages, then why cannot I add a button to extract a range of pages. By the way I have only been using Acrobat Professional for 3 days. I probably have information overload, so I would appreciate your constructive replies.

Is there another alternative to extract pages from a form?

Thank You.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
LiveCycle forms cannot be edited in Acrobat 8 Pro. (which may be why you're seeing editing limitations when you open the form in Acrobat 8 Pro.). Also, a Reader-enabled PDF from Acrobat 8 Professional allows you to add comments and save data in Reader but not extract pages.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Nov 17 2007
Posts: 7
I believe I have solved my problems:

1) Everytime I open my LCD Form it will say (SECURED). I then remove all Security and then

2) Go to Advanced > Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader and save the pdf with a new name.3) When running the new form in Reader, I print Part 1, 2 or 3 to the CutePDF printer (which is free for the basic version). The CutePDF print dialogue will ask me for a new name and the new pdf will contain only those pages which are in Part 1 (or Part 2 or Part 3).
Registered: Nov 17 2007
Posts: 2
Help! In a form created in LifeCycle Designer I am trying to use the Submit Email button and have the whole PDF document sent and not just the data entered on the form. Is there a way to do this with Professional 8? I have read all kinds of instructions but I can never see the Action tab. Are there plug-in that I need to do this? If only the data can be sent then how do I populate it back into the form for my HR Department to use? I am going crazy!
Registered: Jul 10 2007
Posts: 92

To submit the entire PDF, not just the data, you'll need to use a regular button rather than an email submit button and then make that button's type "submit". Doing that will cause a Submit tab to appear in the Object palette. In that tab, you'll find the option to submit the PDF.

Note that submitting the PDF will not be possible from the free Adobe Reader unless you have Reader-Extended your form to enable this feature using Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions.

If you must resort to submitting the XML data only, then you can easily import that XML data into your form by using Acrobat Standard/Pro's data import feature (in Pro 8.1, it's found under the "Forms > Manage Form Data > Import Data" menu command).See the following link for more information on importing data in Acrobat: [url][/url]

Stefan Cameron obtained his bachelor's degree with Honors in Computer Science at the University of Ottawa and is a Computer Scientist working on Adobe's LiveCycle server products, in particular on LiveCycle Designer ES for the past 5 years.