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No 'form1' to work with in LiveCycle

Registered: Oct 29 2009
Posts: 10

I used an existing pdf to create a form with Acrobat 8 Pro (LiveCycle Designer), but no 'form1' was created. The first element in the Hierarchy is topmostSubform. I want to make each page a subform, and it seems they should all be within a form, but I don't know how to get there.

Do I HAVE to have a form that contains subforms? If so, how do I create the form?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
The name of the top level subform is arbitrary. It doesn't matter. The name only has meaning to you. On this form "topmostSubform" is identical to "form1". If you want it to be named "form1" then just change it.

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