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Not able to make my table that grows to span multiple pages

Registered: Mar 1 2008
Posts: 2

I have searched the strings "table span multiple pages" and "span multiple pages" in this forum without getting any hits so I'll post a "new" topic.

I have set up my Form using the procedure described by LiveCycle Designer > Working with Form Designs > Using tables > Creating tables that grow > To create a table that grows using the Button object. This is working fine; however, I then wished to have the table span multiple pages. Therefore, I used the procedure described at LiveCycle Designer > Working with Form Designs > Using tables > Working with pagination, header rows, and footer rows in tables > To set up a table to span multiple pages. The Form still functions and faithfully adds rows to the table, but the table does not span multiple pages.

I am new to LiveCycle Designer using LiveCycle Designer 8.0 Version 8.05.2073.1.374024 Cipher: 128-bit I am really enjoying this impressive software. I've worked through the tutorials, samples, as well as read relevant sections of LiveCycle Designer Help as I started building a form that my boss and colleagues have ordered me to build. I have run into issues regarding how I wish my form to behave and have searched and read through several of the forums as well as Stefan Cameron's entire blog. Yesterday, I purchased Creating Dynamic Forms with Adobe LiveCycle Designer by J. P. Terry. Using Terry's index and TOC I've search for the solution for my issue without success. The book is excellent and I have begun reading it from start to finish in its entirety. In the mean time I am under considerable time preasure to produce at least a prototype for my boss and colleagues to consider. The feature I wish to implement is based upon \EN\Samples\Purchase Order\Dynamic Interactive\Forms\Purchase Order.xdp and I've been working back and forth comparing every pallete setting, Design View, Master Page or Hierarchy setting between my form and that sample to understand how to make my form behave like the sample regarding my confusion regarding having a table span multiple pages, etc. I am becoming frustrated and no doubt have missed something, but I need some hints and guidance. I hope that you will be able to push me in the right direction. I can provide my form and any needed associated files if that would help someone see what I'm not comprehending.

Below are some of the somewhat related forum postings I've examined. And I posted this: [at] 513 [dot] FSEpi[email protected]/0



In order to support GIS efforts, I am a web developer using Adobe Web Premium CS3 having used its predecessors for about 10 years. Recently, my duties include PDF form development to support the BLM's Cultural program. I am new to LiveCycle Designer.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2007
Posts: 151
Hey Dan,

I feel your pain, I really do as this is a problem I have struggled with a lot.

I think the main things to check are

1) Is the parent subform set to Flow Content? Is the 'Allow Page Breaks within Content' checkbox ticked?

You can still have postion content subforms within your form but they must be under the flow content 'parent'. You may need to use rectangle (no borders) to act as spacers if you want to have space between individual sections.

2) On the pagination tab have you set the name of your header block in the Overflow Leader section?

3) Has your form been saved as a dynamic form?

4) Are all three subform or table 'blocks' i.e. header, details and footer wrapped in one subform (with flow content/allow page breaks options set)?
Registered: Mar 5 2008
Posts: 74
Yes i had the same problem as well and the above answer was how i got it to work open the hierachy window make sure on the master page you set the content are inside your page area you want the overflow or when it overflows it will over flow th entire page. The tricky thing is the damn sub form things once one gets wraped below its a pain in the ass to get it back out i kept having to delete mine. On the sample opne the hierachy window as well. here your top subform in layout pallet must have flowd content then in hierachy right click (windows) insert sub form. go to layout make sure that height is set to manual
insert all content then to make it look good go back to layout and turn height to auto dont turn this to flowed as you will find the headache of layout. this can be positioned content oh yah to change these settings you must have the subform in the hierachy pallet selected pain in the ass to see which subform is selected as they all have the same freaking border color so be carful when draging item they always jump into the wrong one maybe just me but i am a print designer trying to figure this shit out too. I have included a multiple add rows in this manner in my form that flow perfectly. Hope this helps