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overflow footer in dynamic table

Registered: Mar 10 2010
Posts: 3

greatings to all.. so i have a problem with livecycle form...

I build up a form with a dynamic table, adding rows with a click on "+".
The footer is working correctly ( once visible on the end of the table, not repeated) .
One cell in the first row is growing automatically, depending on the text which is entered.
If the table does not fit on the page ( because of the added rows or because of the text in the cell ) , there is a break and the table is continuing on the second page.
These work fine.

But if the table is broken on the second page, and i will click "+" for adding new rows, 1 or 2 rows are added on the first page;
because there is space left, because of the footer, which is now on the second page.
changing the free-area on master page did not help me.

my given conditions are:
the footer have to be tied on the last row of the table, that means: if the table is broken, at least one row should appear on the second page.

Can anybod help me please ?

here is my document:


My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

the link to your doc is not working, because it begins with http:// instead of https:// ;-)

I checked your form, but I wasn't able to reproduce the problem you described.
The rows allway are added to the end of the table, even if I fill the field "sdfs" in Line "Z1" with multiple text lines until the footer is broken to page 2 and there is basically enough space for a new row on page 1.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Mar 10 2010
Posts: 3
Hi radzmar,

Thanks for your advice....
I will explain with other words: you are right, the next row is added on the second page.
But the row before is moved to the first page. e.g

Page1 Page1 Page1
1 with clik on "+" 1 with click on "+" 1
.. .. ..
10 10 10
11 Page2 11
11 Page2
12 12

you will see, that row 11 is moved to page 1.
But I want to fix the row 11 on the page 2.
that means: once broken to page 2, the row should be placed on the page2.
No move.

Danke für die Tipps... ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich`s gut erklären konnte. Mein Problem besteht nicht darin, dass eine Zeile ans Ende angehangen wird, sondern dass Zeile-1 noch in auf die erste Seite springt.
Dies geschieht für 2-3 Zeilen. Dann gehts normal auf Seite 2 weiter.
Ich möchte aber, dass wenn eine Zeile einmal umgebrochen wurde ( auf die nächste), diese auch dort bleibt, und nicht hochrutscht !!

Vielen Dank...
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

now I understood. Well the thing is, that you can't change this behavior. Because a table like your is flowing within a container (subform) it's rows are arranged automatically.
If enough space becomes available in the current container instance, all rows that fit will be added to it.

I think the main reason for this problem is the height of the repeating rows (2,5cm) and the footer (2,2cm). If you will design smaller rows (0,5 - 0,75cm) the problem won't occur.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs