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Pasting plain text in text box

Registered: Mar 15 2010
Posts: 6

Is there a way to paste a text in an exisiting text box (not text field) without format, i.e. that the pasted text will have the original formatting of the text box?
(similar to the Paste Special -> paste as text function in Word).

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 24 2009
Posts: 89
If you are pasting the text into a textfield, it needs to be set to "rich" text (in textfiled properties) and than it will recognize different sizes and fonts.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Word text is not necessarily 'plain' text, but Notepad is plain text.

George Kaiser

Registered: Dec 9 2009
Posts: 36
I have been looking for an answer to this also. My users want to be able to paste into a Text Field (Set to Rich Text) as plain text. Like you can do when pasting into a Word Doc. Then they want to go through and italicize, bold the text. I was hoping that a script could be created that could change a text box from Rich Text to Plain and vice versa by a button event or something but so far nothing. It looks like you can't script that portion of a text field.

I can't get the users to use the text field property tool so I changed all the text boxes to plain text.

Any ideas I'd love to hear them.




Registered: Mar 23 2011
Posts: 1
Like Allen, I too am looking for the same answer.

I currently need to copy text from numerous emails (with numerous formatting), somehow strip that formatting, and then paste into an Acrobat form I created. Currently, on my Mac I'm using Acrobat 10.

My process is:

1. Copy from email.
2. Paste into Mac's Text Edit (as plain text).
3. Copy from Text Edit.
4. Paste into Acrobat 10.

The last step invariably changes the text to Helvetica 12 pt. The form text should be Century Gothic 8pt.

On my PC, I copy the text from email, paste into Window's Note Pad program (which strips the text formatting), copy the Note Pad text, then paste that into Acrobat, which does exactly what I want -- pastes the text without formatting, retaining the PDF's text box formatting. I cannot do this on my Mac.

Any ideas?

Thanks all!