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PDF artwork not compatible with LiveCycleDesigner

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 2

I have a valid data connection to a database. When I try to place a 'data dropdown list' on my form I get the message "Parts of this object cannot be used with PDF artwork", and the field is automatically transformed to a regular dropdown list, which cannot be populated with the data from my database.

What can I do ?
I hope someone can help. Thank you.

Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70

Unfortunately documents started with pdf artwork have some limitations, as I'm finding out on my quest for an "all rolled into one" product label catalog (professional product label template in InDesign, exported to pdf and imported into LiveCycle to add dynamic fields handling variation of part numbers and details)

Art backgrounds are cool because you can choose replace artwork, and simply slip a new background pdf under your existing fields. However they also prohibit using subforms, limit your choice of objects from the library, and apparently in your case affect database functionality.

If there is no particular reason you would need an artwork pdf, like say CMYK color or .ai/.psd high quality images, then get rid of it. I don't know if there is a way to actually remove the artwork, but you can go back to the original pdf file you started with, and when import options screen pops up you will see 2 choices:

Instead of "Create interactive form with fixed pages" which is what you picked for the artwork pdf, pick "Create an Interactive Form with Flowable Layout"

This will bring in your background again - it may have to slightly alter it's appearance, but should let you have full functionality - then just open up your 1st version and see how much of it can be copied/pasted into the new flowable version

Hope this helps