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PDF form data not visible in Reader when completed by Mac user

Registered: Jun 16 2010
Posts: 3

I have created some forms using LiveCycle Designer. The rights are enabled in each form. These forms are filled out by customers and submitted to our organization. Most of the individuals in the organization who process the forms only have Adobe Reader. When a form has been completed by a customer using a Mac the data is not visible in Reader. I can view (but not print) the data in Acrobat. Is there a way to make the forms Mac/Adobe Reader compatible?

I'm new to this forum, so I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse. I did poke around a bit, but couldn't find any relevant information in the forum.

I'd appreciate any helpful hints.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766

I hope this can help :

Registered: Jun 16 2010
Posts: 3
Thanks, Merlin. It seems that script would help Acrobat users, but won't solve the problem for our offices that only have Reader. I'll continue with our workaround for now.
Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62
[color=#333333]Hi Alicia,[/color]
[color=#333333]This has been kicking around for a while. [/color]
[color=#333333]You right, Joel's solution will work for Acrobat user bring the form back in after it has been submitted. Forgive me, but it is a bit like closing the barn dor after hte horse has bolted. [/color]
[color=#333333]I am using a Mac here, so I can give my experiences.[/color]
[color=#333333]On the Mac:[/color]
[color=#333333] - XFA forms open perfectly in Acrobat and Reader. [/color]
[color=#333333] - AcroForms open perfectly in Acrobat and Reader. [/color]
[color=#333333]Apple Preview:[/color]
[color=#333333] - XFA forms will not open at all. [/color]
[color=#333333] - AcroForms open, but are seriously broken. Script does not work - doc level scripts, application scripts and object scripts all fail. [/color]
[color=#333333]PDF XChange (on a PC): [/color]
[color=#333333] - XFA forms do not work. [/color]
[color=#333333] - AcroForms do not work. [/color]
[color=#333333]Apple iOS4 (and iBooks and Avatron Air Sharing):[/color]
[color=#333333] - XFA forms will not open at all. [/color]
[color=#333333] - AcroForms open, but something crashes app. [/color]
[color=#333333]Back on topic...[/color]
[color=#333333]To me it seems that when an AcroForm is opened in Preview, it opens based on the state when it was last opened in Acrobat. I can't find any method for the form to "know" that it is being opened in Preview (or another viewer). Last night I had the hunch that if I had a messgae that was visible and hidden by a doc-level script that this might work (given that doc-level scripts are not fired in Preview). But alas it didn't work - message was not visible because Acrobat had not shown the message. [/color]
[color=#333333]Anyway, if you have a form that is likely to be opened in Preview, I would have a warning. [/color]
[color=#333333]Good luck,[/color]
[color=#333333]Niall [/color]

Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Preview is a MacIntosh only issue and unique to MacIntosh. Maybe we should put a note on all forms that if the user wants to fill in the form, then they should not use 'Preview'. The note could be a non-printable field and then fire off an document level script when the platform is Mac and the application is not Undefined then hide this field. If the field does not hide the user has the information about not being able to complete the form.

George Kaiser

Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62
[color=#333333]I had been trying to implement just that, but had failed. [/color]
[color=#333333]Dave at UVSAR provided the solution - put the warning message on a layer. The layer's default presence/state will always be respected when opened, including Preview. The doc-level script then hides the layer if opened in Acrobat or Reader (provided JS is turned on). [/color]
[color=#333333]Sample here: [/color]
[color=#333333]On the other forum it came up where users had PDF XChange, which is a Windows program - so its not just Mac users you have to look out for. [/color]
[color=#333333]Thanks to everyone for keeping company on the long journey.[/color]
[color=#333333]Niall [/color]

Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Jul 27 2010
Posts: 2
Hi all,

I have found that if you just want to view the data, you can go to Forms > Highlight Fields and it will get all the data to appear. You will be able to copy and paste the data but it won't print out.Hope this is useful to some of you.
