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Pre fill form

Registered: May 16 2008
Posts: 3

This is probably simple, but seems to be way over my head.
I have built a customer survey form that we would like to send after each project.
Since each project has a different customer, location, etc we would like to input the customer name, job address, city, state and contact before we send it electronically (pre-fill in certain data).
Then when they fill out the rest of the questionnaire they send it back via email.
our problem;
we cannot figure how to input the information and then send it, Please help,
Otherwise it work fine and is great for data collection.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
This information can be preloaded in several different ways, from a DB, a server script, a web service, a local file. It depends on your current capabilities and system setup.

Just as a test, prefill the form by hand and then export the form data to XDP from the "Forms->manage data" menu item in Acrobat 8. This puts the data into an external data file. Now clear the form and import this data file. Viole, the form is prefilled. You could have a data file for each customer and simply load the file for the specific customer.You could even build an automation script that would put a toolbar button on Acrobat's toolbar. Then when you pushed the button it would display a menu of customers. If you had other forms that required this info then the same automation script would work for prefilling those forms.

This is a very simple strategy, there are much more complex things you could do.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: May 16 2008
Posts: 3
Thank you - that was very helpful
For some reason at first we could not fill in the fields, but now we can
and it is working great.

Forms are going to the Clients Today - THANKS