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Pre populating text box with large amounts of data....

Registered: Jul 21 2008
Posts: 33

I have a text box field populated by a drop down list selection. My only problem is it I am trying to populate it with large amounts of data that I want to format. It is all "string" text if I am using the correct nomenclature. The trouble is I would like it to have line breaks...

Desired Result

LiveCycle is the greatest software known to man......

But when I enter it in the source code, the only way I can do it is by the following:
"description":{description:"Introduction LiveCycle is the greatest software known to man....:},

How can I get the line break between Introduction and Live Cycle .... as in the above desired result example as above?


Registered: Jul 21 2008
Posts: 33
It is amazing what a little bit googling around can do.... This may help others -

To put a line break in add: \n in the string

so in my example above

"Introduction \nLiveCycle is the best ever...."

results in
LiveCycle is the best ever....
