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Preview PDF Option

Registered: Oct 12 2006
Posts: 15

Would there be a particular reason my "Preview PDF" option in LiveCycle Designer is grayed out?

I've tried all the various forms options, and this seems to be grayed out regardless of whether the form is a static PDF or a dynamic XML version. I recently uninstalled and reinstalled the software and I still have this issue.

I do also have Acrobat 8 Professional, which I uninstalled and reinstalled at the same time.

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This may be caused by your selection of "Display PDF In Browser" under the Edit > Preferences > Internet dialog box in Acrobat. Clicking the Preview PDF tab in LiveCycle Designer starts Acrobat in its own window rather than embedded within the Preview PDF tab. By default, the Display PDF In Browser option is selected.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Oct 12 2006
Posts: 15
Ah, the magic checkbox that always causes problems in my office (for some reason its a particular difficulty with some of the legal websites our users visit). I must have unchecked the box when helping one of them out. Thanks so much!