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Print problem with Macintoshes

Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81

When I use the command:, "1", "3", 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
The print dialog comes up and it says to print pages 2 - 4 which is what I want and what it does on an IBM compatible....
But on a Mac, it prints pages 1 through 4. It does this because there are spaces between the start page and end page before and after the dash.... in this case; 2 - 4

If I manually remove the spaces so it says pages 2-4 (in stead of 2 - 4) then the Mac prints the correct pages that I want it to.

Does anyone know why the Mac does this? Is there a way to remove the spaces before and after the dash??? I can't tell the user to do it manually !!!!!!

Thanks for any help !


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 8.1.7, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Looks like you might have encountered an issue on the Mac. Just curious, does this still happen if you bypass the dialog -- using 0 as the first parameter?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81
Yes, it still does. If you manually put in a range of pages with a space before and after the dash, the Mac doesn't recognize it at all and prints every page. I'm trying to figure out if it's a particular operating system on the Mac or ? I'm not a Mac person but some of my users are :-)

Thanks, Rod
Registered: Feb 3 2008
Posts: 81
Can anyone with a Mac please try the following for me to help narrow down the problem?

Take any pdf that is 3 pages or more long.
Choose file, print, and click Pages and put in the page range 2 - 3 (making sure you put a space before the dash and after the dash)
click print, and see if it prints just the 2 pages or does it print more???

Oh yeah! You actually have to print the pages, becuse in the little "view" box of the pages it shows that it's olny going to print the 2 pages you are asking for (but it's a lie:-)

I appreciate any help ! Let me know what Operating System you are on and any other important things like the Printer type?

Thanks, Rod