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Printable, Saveable, Returnable Forms


Is it possible to create a form that a recipient who only has adobe reader can receive fill out and save on their computer and also be able to return the filled out form to the sender? I have created a form with form fields as a daily report form for my superintendents to fill out and return to our main office. They all have adobe reader 8 and they are able to fill the form out and print it and all the information prints. They then return the form via email and the form comes back to me empty. They are also not able to save this form to a file on their computer.

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
first you have to enable the reader extention using the acrobat pro.
then you can distribute the forms (menu > forms > distribute forms).
then you can choose the way of distribution (mail,, hardrive...).
choose mail and acrobat asks you for an mail button if there isn't anyone in the form.
you can create now a button an fill in the mail adress where the filled forms should be returned to.
after this acrobat creates to new pdf-files, one datafile for collecting all form entries and one publishingfile that you can mail your recipients.
they can fill out the form with the reader and by clicking on the mail button an new mail with a pdf attached and your return adress is automatically generated.
when you open the returned files acrobat imports all entries into the datafile so you easy have an overview about all enties.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Dec 21 2006
Posts: 28
radzmar wrote:
first you have to enable the reader extention using the acrobat pro.
then you can distribute the forms (menu > forms > distribute forms).
then you can choose the way of distribution (mail,, hardrive...)
Can I do this from within Adobe LiveCycle Designer?
Registered: Dec 21 2006
Posts: 28
Nevermind. I figured it out on my own.
jlssoares (not verified)
Radzmar this did work. I appologize for not responding sooner but have been very busy. The directions you gave regarding Forms: LiveCycle Designer » Printable, Saveable, Returnable Forms worked just like you said it would.