I have a numeric field with a comb of 4.
The user enters a code no. into this field which can be anywhere from 2-4 digits It can't be less than 2 digits. I need a script that will only look at the value of the 1st 2 digits as the last 2 are incidental to our needs. eg: if the first 2 digits are 12, display "medium" in the risk factor text field. If the first 2 digits are 38, display "high" in the risk factor field. Same would apply if they entered 3 or 4 digits - eg 1264 would still display "medium" and 3802 would still display "high".
How can I tell it to only look at the first 2 digits in the field?
var FirstTwoChars = Left(Rtrim(NumericField1), 2)
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