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This puzzled me... form with dynamic field dependent on another

Registered: Jan 17 2010
Posts: 5

I'm trying to make a textfield in a form visible (or enabled) based on another one (not a checkbox, but a textfield with custom letters and number) having exactly the value I choose (text or numbers)... sort of a password

Furthermore, I would like to have that same textfield, once visible or enabled, to have a default value which cannot be changed, unless you use another password, which unblock the form and allow a super administrator to change the default value

Hope that's clear

I'm not sure how to attach a file on here, but would appreciate if someone would post one with a real example

Any help appreciated


Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
on the exit even of the first field you would put something like this:

if this.rawValue == "password"
Registered: Jan 17 2010
Posts: 5
Hi and thanks for your help, but it does not work

The form has many text fields and check boxes, all (or most of them with unique names)

Livecycle do not list your version (if you write something and then put a dot, it comes up with a serie of values: access, accesskey, additem... rawValue... etc)

if this.rawValue == "password"

but instead it does list "presence", so that would be

if (this.rawValue == "password")
secondTextBox.presence = "visible";

I'm not sure where have to put this, Initialize, Enter, Exit or elsewhere. If the binding option shall be to Global, Normal or None

The file has other (Calculate) javascript with if/else sentences and works

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but believe is something silly

And please post the complete javascript, with commas, brackets etc

Thanks again
Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
ahh, yes, sorry, i ment to say presence = "visible" you are correct.

if the user is entering the data into that field than i would put it on "exit" event.
binding - normal.

if the text is calculated with another script, you can put the script under "calculate"
Registered: Jan 17 2010
Posts: 5
Thanks, but it still doesn't work

Does it need to be in any particular hierarchy order?

Tried any possible combination...
Registered: Feb 25 2009
Posts: 124
can you email me a sample form?

tkacyndra [at]