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Question on using Sticky Notes on a LC form

Registered: Apr 17 2009
Posts: 95

I have a form that has been created using LC2
It is PW protected for changes (not to open)
I plan to enable Reader Rights using Acrobat 9
Users are using Reader
I am trying to add a sticky note to the form and unable to do so.
I get a message
"This form is interactive and has special features. To Save a copy of it....."
Is it possible to allow sticky notes on the actual form, or does one have to create another form to do so?
If not possible, then why so? (ie because it is a LC form?)

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi krm240,

If you protected the PDF against any changes then you can't add comments. When you add the password, in the Passowrd Security Settings dialog you can set the permissions to allow comments, filling fields, and digital signatures.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Apr 17 2009
Posts: 95
My security on the original doc (created in LC2) is set to
Allow comments, filing in form and signing (as U suggested)

Checking security in Adobe Pro (same doc) is as follows:
printing allowed
Changing doc: Not allowed
Commenting: Allowed
Filing in forms: Allowed
Signing: Allowed

But then when I try to add a sticky, it fails
Is it the change doc permission that I need to update?
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Accepted Answer
Hi krm240,

Is this a dynamic PDF form? If it is, you cannot add Comments to a dynamic LiveCycle Designer form. You will need to save a static copy of the form in order to add Comments.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions

Registered: Apr 17 2009
Posts: 95
Is this a dynamic PDF form? Yes it is. Many thanks