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Radio button changes to square when selected

Registered: Oct 29 2009
Posts: 10

I have radio buttons set to Appearance: Sunken Circle and Button Style: Circle. It looks fine in LCD, but when the button is selected in the form, the circle changes to a square with a tiny dot in the middle.

Can anyone tell me why this is happening?!? And how I can fix it so that it looks like the standard radio button when selected?


When I have Highlight turned on, the radio buttons change back to circles when I tab off the button. When Highlight is off, the buttons remain as squares after being selected. I'm thinking this is some sort of style setting, but not one that's available in the Properties dialog.

Anyone have a clue?

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2009
Posts: 10
Has anyone else experienced this? Can anyone help me? Please?
Registered: Oct 29 2009
Posts: 10
Eureka! After just a few hours(!) of research and analysis, I discovered why this was happening. It is the same problem I had with text fields not displaying an underline when underline was selected in the properties.

For each radio button (which was probably over 100), I had to change the line of code to . I'm not sure how the hand="right" got in there in the first place, though I suspect it might have happened during all the cutting-and-pasting of fields that I did when first setting up the form.I record this solution here for posterity.