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radio buttons blank on submitted form

Registered: Jul 7 2010
Posts: 11

I've created a form with text fields and radio buttons. I submit via email to test a dummy-completed form and my text shows, but the radio buttons are all blank. I've got a similar form where I used checkboxes and it functions ok. I tried changing the problem form to check boxes instead, but they still show blank on submitted tests. Suggestions? Thanks in advance.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62

They should come through as selected by the user. Try looking in the form properties. File > Form Properties menu and the Defaults tab. There is an option for saving script changes, try setting this to Automatic.Hope that helps,


Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Jul 7 2010
Posts: 11
Thank you. Now when I submit a trial form with a button selected in every row, only the button selected in row 1 shows the selected choice...and when I go back to design view, all buttons are on except that first one. Thoughts on that?


Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62

Are the radio buttons in one group, or are they separate groups of radio buttons? Can you describe the form? How many radio buttons in each row and are these rows in a table or just a series of radio button groups going down the page?

Try the binding in the Object > Binding tab. Is this set to Normal (or object name)?Niall

Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Jul 7 2010
Posts: 11
this is a course/teacher evaluation. there are 12 questions and radio buttons for strongly agree through strongly disagree for each of 60 buttons. the presentation looks like a table but I can't recall how I set that up. Binding says normal. I don't know that there's any "grouping" per se and I do notice that across the row the buttons are not mutually exclusive (i.e., completing the form, I could select all 5 answers).


Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62
I suspect that this is the problem.

For every question, all of the options from strongly agree to strongly disagree must be in a group.

When you look at the hierarchy on the left, you should see a radio button group with a plus next to it and then five (?) radio button contained within that group.

If you don't see that, you can still resolve the issue.

Basically working in the hierarchy view select a radio button and drag it into the appropriate group. This may take a little time and you may need to amend the layout afterwards.

Come back if it is not working. I will try and upload a sample.


Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62
Here is a sample:

Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Jul 7 2010
Posts: 11
what I see in the hierarchy is a row associated with each row of the table. for the first row, the first radio button says radio button list (then a sub that says untitled radio button) followed by the other four with the title: untitled exclusion group. for subsequent rows, all five buttons say untitled exclusion group. so each row appears to be "group" by row although I'm not sure if that's an official "grouping" like what you are referring to. Does this clarify my situation at all?


Registered: Apr 26 2006
Posts: 62

If you have a look at the sample I uploaded, this should give a direction.

I would strongly recommend naming objects as you bring them onto the form. This way you can keep track of objects and if you are scripting or importing/exporting data it will make it so much easier.

It looks like the first radio button is on its own - not good, as it is not associated with any other radio buttons for that question. The others groups indicate that there is an exclusion group set up, but you would need to check that the correct radio buttons are in each group.

Excuse me if I am over simplifying it: think of a old radio with five buttons in a row. You could only select one station at a time. The same is with LC Designer/Acrobat, in order for you to create an exclusive group of radio buttons you need to have them in a group in the hierarchy view. It doesn't matter if there are visually show side by side in a row in the layout. The hierarchy grouping is the important thing.


Hope this helps,

Assure Dynamics

Registered: Jul 7 2010
Posts: 11
Thank you for the example. I thought the easiest thing for me might be to start from your sample form. I edited one question and added an email submit button...but then that email button didn't work! So for now I am going to have students just print them for me I guess. There aren't enough hours in my day! I need someone to just fix it for me!! Thanks for your efforts. I appreciate it.