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Reinstall causing problems

Registered: Nov 6 2008
Posts: 31

Recently, my work computer was swapped out for a more powerful model. IT reinstalled Adobe Pro 8. and LiveCycle 8. When I tried to work with some forms I had created on my old computer I get error messages on script that used to work. The forms on SharePoint still work fine. Could this be a problem with the reinstall? Although, maybe Mercury is in retrograde and nothing will make it work.

The script involves a submit button that reads an address typed into a text field (email). The code that used to work is:
----- form1.#subform[0].Button1::click: - (JavaScript, client) --------------
var mail;
var address = email.rawValue;
var sub = subject.rawValue;

mail = "mailto:" + address + "?subject=" + sub;{cURL: mail, bEmpty: true, cSubmitAs: "PDF",cCharset: "utf-8"});

The error message is:
RaiseError: This operation is not permitted.
===> This operation is not permitted.

Should this code work?
Have you ever heard of a reinstall causing problems with previously written code?
Any suggestions?
Thanks, VC

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Maybe your new installed OS does not use Windows Mail API (MAPI) to lauch the mail application.
Then you can't mail a form from Acrobat/Reader.

Read this article for more details:

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Apr 17 2009
Posts: 95
I am fairly new at this, so may be something else I did that screwed things up ...
I have been experiencing the same issue with forms working, did an upgrade to ES2, and then the form I am working on was NOT working. It was strange.

One thing I did note from this is that when you design in ES2, make sure Pro is open. If Pro is closed, you get error messages when preview is used.

And for the record for those with Adobe pro 9 and who use LC.
Spend the bucks and upgrade to LC ES2. Well worth it!!!
Registered: Nov 6 2008
Posts: 31
We verified the MAPI was installed corrctly.
It's a company PC; they aren't shelling out for LC ES2 and neither am I.
I think you may be right about the Preview not working. In production the form works fine.
Thanks for the help!