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Renumbering rows after the delete

Registered: Aug 28 2007
Posts: 13

Thank you in advance. I am using Acrobat Pro 8 and Adobe Livecycle Designer and I am having a problem renumbering my rows. I have a field in my table call RowId and every time i add a new row to my table the field gets its value with this.parent.index. However, when I delete the row, the rowId fields do not get updated. What am I doing wrong?. I have try to put this numbering in the initialize, calculate, click event.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Put the row numbering code into the "initailize" event and then kick the event for the whole table by calling "execInitialize()" for the table's parent subform.

Thom Parker
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Registered: Aug 28 2007
Posts: 13
I tried to do this but I am afraid I am doing something wrong. I have the delete button in each row, in a subform in one of the row's cell. this means when I click the delete button I delete the row for this index. Now, I put the row numbering code into the initialize event of the form where my table is. However, when I call the execInitialize() after deleting the row I dont get the renumbering done. I put an alert in the event and looks like the event is not being called after deleting. How is that supposed to work?
Thank you.