I'm running into a bizarre issue with a repeating header on a dynamic form after each time that it's saved and reopened. I've tried every combination for repeated headers for page and rows and hit up every forum to no avail.
I have a table, wrapped in a subform (dynamic). My first two rows are header rows that are grouped together, with one row containing a column with Add/Delete Row buttons. As rows and data are added and data moves onto a second page, the two header rows repeat correctly on the second page (and subsequent pages). After saving and reopening, however, the two header lines are repeated TWICE on page one, then again (correctly) on page 2 and any pages that follow. If I add data or shuffle existing data around and then save the form, upon reopening, there's ANOTHER header line on page one. The bunny-like reproduction continues with every save and reopen of the file.
I have 4 such subform-wrapped tables like this in my form, all dynamic, so as I add data and save, all 4 tables end up with multiple repeating headers, to the point that some of them have a couple pages of repeated headers before the data starts...though on the subsequent pages, the header repeats once as it should (I guess that's a bonus...). I can't make the repeating header issue go away without killing the header's ability to appear at the top of each page!
Has anyone seen this before...or better yet, has anyone FIXED this before!
Thom Parker
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