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repeating input values in other boxes

Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70

Hi all,

sorry I am new to this livecycle thing. I am trying to use livecycle to redo my company's label design, so we can use a fill in the blank pdf

how can i set it up so when a word or number is entered ito a text box, it automatically appears in other boxes? The idea here is for someone to take my pdf which contains 6/labels per page and only have to fill out the upper left label, the other 5 will autofill based on repeating the information typed into the first one.

any ideas? looking to avoid database stuff, just a simple way to script value for box 7,13,19,25,&31=value box 1, repeat for boxes 2-5 etc... I imagine this wouldn't be too hard with numbers but can it also be done with text? I get the feeling a mathematical formula approach would not play nice with text

seems like such a simple thing to do but livecycle help doesn't seem to mention this.


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
FormCalc and JavaScript can both handle string data with a number of functions and methods. The basic information is contained within the "Help" menu option of LiveCycle Designer. To join strings together one can use the "Concat()" function of FormCalc of the "+" string concatonate operator in JavaScript.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70
thanks, but I'm not really experience with Java and I'm a little confused...

concat says it combines the value of 2 or more strings, but what I'm looking for is the value of 1 box to appear in 5 other boxes - will it work for just one string (nothing being added) or will I need to add a blank string?

It seems concat would be useful for combining values from 5 sources into one box, but I'm looking for the opposite, one box value to be duplicated in 5 other boxes. (think find/replace all in MS word)
Registered: Jun 6 2007
Posts: 29
Simplest way is to create a text field renamed "label" (or anything else you want).
Then under Object panel Binding window click on box next to "Normal" and change it to "Global". Then in the "Field" window click on "Allow multiple lines". Copy this text field to all the places you want it to print. Position all the copied text fields where you want them to print on a page - save it, post the form and fill in the first one, use the print form button - presto.....

You may want to leave out the word "label" or default TextField1 text that comes before the text field that is filled in. That way it won't print out. You can slide the dividing line between the default TextField1 space and the fillable area all the way to the left creating one box.

Very simple and No Coding - Life is not always complex!!!
Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70
Worked like a charm!! Man you are my hero! And everyone filling out these labels will greatly appreciate your help and not having to fill in duplicate info many times over!

For something so simple you'd think it would be easy to find in a FAQ!