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require entry in field before allowing form to print

Registered: Jul 9 2008
Posts: 14


Is there a way to require an entry in a field before allowing the form to be printed?

I have a form that will work for several different functions, but only if one field is changed each different function. I would like to make it mandatory to complete that field before printing as the form will not be valid without that entry.



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Unfortunately there is no automatic way to do this. You can create a custom print button on your form that runs code to check the required fields and only prints if everything is filled out.

You can also use the "PrePrint" event to do this checking, but it can't be used to stop the printing. About the best you can do with this event is to display a popup message warning the user that the form is invalid.

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Registered: May 3 2007
Posts: 138

You could try entering a script in the the click event of a regular button, which has an IF statement that checks if the field is filled in, and if so, call the function.