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Resetting an Image Field..

Registered: Nov 20 2009
Posts: 2

Hey everyone,

I have created an interactive form in Adobe Designer 7.0 for my company with text fields and two image fields. After the form had been filled in and the images added, the user has the option to submit, print or reset.

Everything works perfect except when the reset button is clicked, only the text fields are cleared and the two images remain.

How can i get it so that the whole form is reset?

Thanks in advance


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LiveCycle Designer
Registered: Nov 17 2009
Posts: 87
On the MouseUp event, use resetData to clear all of the text and pulldown fields (this doesn't seem to work the image field). So then, on the Click event, add:

ImageFieldName.rawValue = null; (where ImageFieldName is the name of the image field you want to reset)