Here is my scenario..
I have a button(named:For Office Use Only) with the following script on Click event:
var cResponse = app.alert({
cMsg: "This is for Office use only! Please continue or click Cancel to exit.",
nIcon: 2, nType: 1,
cTitle: "Internal Request Form"});
// clear form only if response is "OK"
if (cResponse ==1) {
form1.Page5.Office.presence = "visible";
What happens when a users click the button and then Yes is:
a Hidden subform named Office become visible.
Is it possible when a user clicks on the button to enter first a password then(If Password is correct) to continue and make the subform(Office) visible?
the password dialog can be created in this way.
• LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
• LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs