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Returning/processing XML Form Data and attachments

Registered: Aug 14 2008
Posts: 3


A few (I hope!) quick questions:

- Can Forms developed with LiveCycle from Acrobat Pro 9 use submitForm() and then multipart HTTP POST both the form data as XML and also file attachments?

- Are server responses or progress indications to HTTP POST processable by the Acrobat client? (Ie: 'Form received', or '85% complete', etc.)

- What is the best way to programmatically extract XML form data and attachments on the server side without LiveCycle ES? (We have in-house XML parsing tools which populate our business database.)

Thanks and all best!

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You can use submitForm() or just about any Acrobat JS DOM function or property, with an XFA form. The AcroForm Doc object is accessible through "". so use "". And yes, you can divide up the XFA data model and send parts of it using the "oXML" argument in submitForm().

Attachments are a problem. Not that it can't be done, it's just a rather hairy coding job. The only easy way to send attachements is to send the entire PDF at once. If you want to send them bit by bit you'll need to read out the byte level content with AcroForm "Data" object functions, put it in an XML structure and again send with the "oXML" input to submitForm().

You can track progress with the "app.thermometer" object or with your own Custom Progress bar through code the server sends back in FDF.

Just about every server side programming language has an XML parsing library or use your own. Use whatever you are most comfortable with. It doesn't matter. The XML Acrobat will be sending is pretty basic.

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