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Rich text editing in a text field

Registered: Jun 11 2006
Posts: 28

Being well aware that Acrobat is not a word processor, I would still like to see to what extent one can edit rich text in a text field that has been enabled for rich text formatting.

Ideally I would like to provide the user with an interface that would allow editing and adding of the following:
- font style, type and size
- tables
- images
- bullets and numbering
- indentation

Does anybody know what exactly can be achieved, either through JavaScript or an Acrobat plug-in, or if this is an unrealistic idea altogether?

Registered: Feb 7 2007
Posts: 90
Are you looking to achieve RFT use with a form? If so, it's just a matter of setting your text fields to "Rich Text"/XHTML in your binding settings in Designer. Once your fields are set and after you enable rights in Pro, the user will then be able to edit their text as you requested above (different fonts, sizes, paragraph alignment, etc.)
A form will only perform as you set it up in Designer; so if you didn't create tables, tables will not magically appear or be inserted when someone views the form with Reader or Pro.
Hopefully this makes sense...
Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70
related to this question... I want to have a combo box populate a text field, which will have product names needing ® ™ symbols at the end of the first word

someone else said the same thing about enabling richtext/xhtml, but I'm clueless as far as how to write the xhtml code and insert it into the JavaScript

anyone know this, or maybe an example pdf I could peak under the hood?

Registered: Jan 22 2008
Posts: 136
You can set a field to be rich text by first selecting the text box, going to Object->Field and look for the Field Format Property and setting it to Rick Text,
you will get a error saying mismatch, now go to Object->Binding and switch the Data Format to XHTML.Now for your ® symbol could put a just a regular text with the symbol ®,
the user just copying that and pasting where they need it since that text field you created should be rich text.

Your xhtml field will be able to accept bold, italic, and others, the user just right clicks the field and go to text styles.

Problem is I haven't found a font control that allows the user to change the font, or font color.

I don't have a javascript way of doing it, I fear thats not my expertise hopefully someone might have that solution for you.

I hope this helps you out.
Registered: Jan 9 2008
Posts: 70
well as for the font color change, you could do a dropdown menu with list of available colors and link it to the change event

but see the thing about my rich text/xhtml field is that the user will not be entering text here - I have a dropdown menu with a list of product families, and depending on the choice a 2nd field will auto fill in with the "Product® Name"

so I need a way to specify the xhtml change for ® in the javascript change event

i tried asking my dreamweaver teacher about the xhtml part of the raised ®, she said I would need a cascading style sheet...... gotta be an easier way!
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
You can try usimg the "XML" or "Span" object in Acrobat JavaScript, but there is no indication that this is supportted in LiveCycle Designer.

George Kaiser