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Save as Dynamic - Not possible?

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 93

I have a document I have been working on for while but I now need it to be dynamic so that the form will expand when i carry out my work. However I do not get the option to save as a dynamic file, only static 7 and 8. How can I save the file as a dynamic file.

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Ordinarily saving as dynamic is not a problem. But there are a few features that might fix your document as static and prevent you from saving as dynamic. For example, anything that fixes the page layout such as using a PDF as a background image. Have you done anything like this?

If the problem persists then the best thing to do is to start over with a blank form and save it as dynamic right away. Then copy over fields from the problem form in groups.

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